Bird genealogy>> Order Accipitriformes >> Family Accipitridae
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Etosha National Park


Make Canon EOS 7D
Lens Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM   at 640 mm
Exposure 1/500 s, f/16, ISO 400 
Image size 473 x 667 pixels

IOC Names

Deutsch  Ohrengeier Dutch  Oorgier
Italian  Avvoltoio orecchiuto Spanish  Buitre Orejudo


This vulture is threatened and rare outside major game reserves. It gets its name from the hanging piece of flesh (lappet) on the sides of face. Note the white thighs and the white bar running along the forepart of the underwing.

  All photos are copyright protected. No use without express consent Authors are grateful for comments.

Lappet-faced Vulture
Torgos tracheliotos
Vautour oricou

Jean-Michel PAULUS